Increase Your Landing Page Conversion

If you’re creating landing pages, you are no doubt driving traffic to these pages and you want them to convert as best as they can. For every dollar you spend, you certainly want to get the best possible return for this investment. Also, if you’re directing organic traffic there, you want to maximize your chances that the visitor to that site will take the necessary action so that you don’t lose that lead forever.

Here are the top 7 ways to boost your landing pages to increase your conversions.

1. One specific call to action

Don’t let your audience get distracted by other links, menu or action items you may have on your page. You want to drive them to one specific outcome. In doing so, it’s recommended that you only talk about that one thing. This is to avoid confusing your audience with different offers/information.

A common error I see is having a landing page appear on your normal website with the menu bar still at the top of the page. This is easily a distraction for visitors to this page, where they can go and start browsing your website instead of taking the clear action
you want them to take.

Whilst you may only have one action you want them to take, make it really obvious for them what it is that they are going to get. Ultimately we want to make it really easy for them that they either take that action or they leave the page.

2. Content

It’s important for your landing page to have a clear, concise and relevant headline. This headline as well as other content must speak to your customer. What are their pains? What do they need help with? What’s keeping them up at night? You may also write a sentence or two (depending on the length of the landing page) to provide additional information or context to your audience’s pain and why this offer is a great step for them to help them resolve their problem. What also works well are bullet points particularly for people skimming the page. If you use bullet points, what works best are odd numbers such as 3 or 5. You also want to create a sense of urgency to encourage them to take some action right now. Be very clear about what they will receive or gain by signing up for your lead magnet or whatever it is that you’re offering on your landing page. Make sure everything that you have on your landing page is there for reason. Be very specific and targeted when you put your content together.

3. Images

Add an image; make it more visually appealing to the audience to relate and engage with you. Of course you need to test this to see if this actually increases conversions. If you are going to use images, you should use an image that is either pointing in the direction that you want them to take some action or directing their attention to the text and headline that you want them to read there and follow down. For example, an image of a person whose eyes are in the direction of the copy you want them to look at. This strategy here is that the person’s eyes are directing the audience in the way you want them to look.

4. Ask for minimal information

Lower the barrier to entry by not asking for too much information upfront. This person doesn’t know you typically, so the less information the better. If you can just ask for email, that’s great. Otherwise, a first name is also helpful to personalize email autoresponders after they initially sign up. Particularly if you use something like Infusionsoft, it’s definitely better to put “Hi Suzie” as opposed to just “Hi”.

5. Tell them what to do

Be very specific and tell them exactly what you need them to do. For example, enter your email address below and click the button “Button Name”. Put the actual words used on the button in your instructions on what you want them to do. You and I would think it’s quite straight forward what they need to do, but you need to guide people. Make sure you provide clear instructions as this will help increase your conversions as well.

6. Button text update

Throughout or at the ends of the landing page you’ll have a button for them to submit their information. The word “submit” is one of the lowest converting button words, so definitely recommend updating this. You need to make it relevant to what you are offering, for example “Get Instant Access”, “Book Your Session Now”, “Download Now”. Find out what words actually work with your audience, for example using the word “now” may create some urgency for them to complete the form to access whatever the offer is right away (instead of thinking of doing it later and never getting back to it).

7. Test, Measure and Tweak

The final one and the most important one is Test, Measure, and Tweak. What works in someone else’s business in terms of their landing page may not necessarily work for you. You may have a very different audience who have different problems/challenges and who want different magnets/offers. Test and tweak to make sure you have the best possible converting landing page. Elements that you can test include images, fonts, colours, headlines, wording, button size, background colour, and the list goes on. It is best to split test one thing at a time, for example, you have two landing pages, and you make one change between one landing page and the other, for example, you are testing
two different headlines and everything else is the same.

I typically start my testing process with two different images, find out which one is converting better, and then two different headlines, two different button colors etc. Once you test, what you want to do is keep the highest converting landing page and replace it with another test, so you constantly getting the highest converting possible landing page out into the market. You may also wish to conduct multiple tests at the one time, which you can do, and at a minimum look at running at least two different components to test at the same time.

That’s the seven ways to increase your conversion, I encourage you to put this into practice, and see what works best for your business to help you increase your leads and/or increase your sales depending on what your landing page is targeted towards, so you get a better result for your business.

(NOTE: Tired of working so hard? Use these 3 must know small business hacks to generate more leads, qualify prospects and easily boost your productivity. Learn more now!)


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