What Your Registrants Need To Know For A Successful Event

If you’re running events, you know very well there is a lot of information your registrants need to know.

Not only to make sure they rock up at the right place, but also make sure that they rock up, that they’re ready and that you’ve minimized any unwelcome surprises over the course of the event, so that they can walk away satisfied that they attended.

We put together this list to help businesses like you who run events to make sure you’ve letting registrants know the key information so your events are a success.

As you’ll see, yes logistical information is important, but make sure you read them all, particularly the last one that often gets missed (and I should know, I’ve been to hundreds of events over the years!).

Venue Details

This goes without saying, but for a live event, you need to let registrants know the venue name and address.  It can also be helpful to include the venue phone number and contact person if applicable, just in case the registrants has any specific questions to cater for their needs.

Parking Details

Is there parking available at the venue?  Is there enough for everyone (considering other users of the venue)?  It’s important that you let people know where to park and if it’s not available at the venue, where can they find some parking.  Nothing worse than having to start your event late or having people disturb you after you’ve started because people couldn’t find a park.

Public Transport

If registrants may not have their own vehicle, help them out by letting them know the nearest public transport options.  For example, the closest train station if Flinders street, it’s a short 5 minute walk from there and trains typically run every 10 minutes from main city stations.  Having attended a number of events interstate, if you do have people traveling to this event who may use public transport, let them know the website of the cities online timetable/journey planner tool, this will help them to work out the best options to make it on time.

Airport/Accommodation Details

Further information needed for interstate or out of town registrants are details on the closest airport and hotels nearest to the venue.  If you are running a larger event, contact some of these to see if you can arrange a discount rate for registrants.

What To Bring

Let registrants know if they need to bring anything.  For example, if it’s an online workshop, that they need to bring their laptops and power cords.  Other items may include paper, pen, workbook etc.


You may have registrants like me who cannot function for 4 hours without a break.  Let your contacts know the breaks that you’re having.  You may not want to reveal the exact times depending on how the event goes, but give them an indication, for example we will be having a short morning and afternoon break and approximately an hour break for lunch.  This may be subject to change and let them know that, but at least give everyone an option.

Food/Coffee Options

Firstly, let local establishments know that you’re running an event so that they can have enough staff and/or food/drinks available for your attendees.   You may wish to let registrants know before the event what options are available (if you’re not catering yourself), particularly for people with special dietary requirements can check out if these are suitable for their needs.

What To Wear

Maybe this one is just for me, but if it’s a brand new business, speaker or event that I’m going to, I may not necessarily be familiar with who may be the audience in the room and how formal the event is.  Let people know what to wear, is it a suit and tie type of occasion, business, smart casual or something else.  In majority of all cases, air conditioning is typically used and a coat/jumper is always recommended to bring just in case it gets cool – don’t forget to tell your people that too, particularly if they feel the cold like me!

Event Times

Make it really clear to registrants what time the event starts and finishes.  Also, and probably more importantly, what time does registration open.  Typically this might be 30 minutes before the door opens, however by letting people know and encouraging them to come early, this will hopefully avoid everyone rocking up when the event is actually meant to be starting.

Registration Details

A number of businesses run big events that requires a lot of people being registered in a short period of time.  This can really make or break an event, as the registration experience can really set the tone for the rest of the event. Ask your registrants to print out their registration details, whether that’s a ticket, online registration, QR code or an email with their details. 

That way the event staff can either easily scan their ticket/QR code or look at their name to quickly check them in.

Pre/Post Event Activities

If you have any pre or post networking events happening, let people know ahead of time.  Of course this might be an impromptu thing, but if you have it in mind, let registrants know ahead of time, so that they can make arrangements should they wish to be there.  They may have only arranged a baby sitter until the end of the event, however if you’re going for drinks afterwards, then let people know should they wish to join.


So that pretty much covers the logistical information.

This is definitely not the complete list however!

Here are some other critical items that are incredibly helpful but often forgotten.

What To Expect

I’ve lost count of all the events I’ve been to over the years, some have had thousands of people there and some only a handful.  Setting the expectations from the start of what type of event it is, ideally before they get there is the best way to do it.  For example, if you’re running a workshop, let people know that you will be actually taking action and doing stuff during the workshop and there will be interaction and discussion from a small group of like minded business owners.  This is a very different experience then feeling like a number amongst thousands of attendees and you just have information presented to you.

Who Else Is Going To Be There?

Ever been to an event that you didn’t know anyone? Not only do you not know what to expect, but sometimes you may feel a bit anxious or nervous that you won’t know anyone.  Let registrants know the type of people that’s are going to be in the room.  Let them know that they are going to be just like them.  For example, we’re running a workshop on campaign builder and we’re letting registrants know that the other attendees are also small business owners who are fairly new to Infusionsoft or wanting to increase their knowledge.  This also reassures the registrants that they are in the right place (and they’ve made the right decision) and they aren’t the only one.

Finally… but the most important…

What Can They Do To Get The Most Out Of The Event

People invest time away from their partners, families, businesses or work to attend any event.   To help them get the most out of it, prepare them for what they can do to get the most out of it so they walk away having it be a worthwhile experience.

Do they have homework they should do before the event?  Should they prepare something ahead of time, talk to their partner or talk to key people in their business to get some decisions made etc.

This is all good stuff.

However, one thing that I don’t see many speakers/event organisers do is address mentally and emotionally what they need to do.  I was thinking about this recently for our event.  As it’s a brand new workshop, I really sat down and thought about what it would be like for an attendee in the room.  What fears, concerns and issues may come up between them registering and walking away at the end of the event.  For our event, we have a number of fairly new users of Infusionsoft, who can feel frustrated, helpless, stupid and genuinely dishearten that they aren’t able to figure out Campaign Builder.  I know because I was a new user one day too.  By acknowledging where they are and asking them to take on more understanding and positive traits can really help set the tone, for example about being patient and kind to themselves whilst having a positive attitude.  Also, reassure them that the process is designed for them and you have faith that they can do it and you’re there to support them along the way.  This will hopefully put people in a better frame of mind then ignoring the obvious of where people are really at.

Alright, that’s our main list of things registrants need to know, have you got any others that we missed?

You put a MASSIVE amount of effort, energy and investment into running events and this list will assist in them becoming more successful.

By the way, if you want to get more bums on seats, check out one of our past article to get more registrants to show up to your events.

(NOTE: Want to get more bums on seats at your next event? Learn the top 10 ways are clients are using to boost attendance that you can implement today. Learn more now!)


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