Marketing Automation Case Study

[Case Study] Australian Business Automates New Subscriber Experience & Gets 19% Emails Confirmed & Sales Growth.

Over the years we’ve been asked many times how other businesses are using marketing automation software to help them grow.  I’m delighted to share our first real life client case study!  This case study focuses on sharing what one Keap Max Classic (formerly Infusionsoft) user has achieved from one specific campaign.

Case Study Snapshot Results

Keap Case Study – Indoctrination Results

> 5k Contacts Indoctrinated

Keap Case Study – Email Confirmation

19% Email Confirmation Conversion Rate

Keap Case Study – Email Engagement

Email Engagement Growth

Paid Subscription Growth

Hope this brings you some ideas and inspiration about what might be possible in your business.

Before we get stuck into the case study, prefer a video campaign walk through?

In this Keap video, I jump into the actual campaign and go into more details to explain how it’s structured in this special guest presentation.

The Business

  • Founded by Guy Constable, Learning Through Doing is a Sunshine Coast based business in the education sector.
  • Target Market – Teachers, parents & principals in Australia & worldwide.
  • Product/Service – Ongoing subscription service providing mathematic lessons, resources and support for teachers to improve the maths learning of their students.

The Problem

  • Learning Through Doing was establishing a brand-new CRM database with Keap Max Classic in 2020.
  • With ANY NEW system (Keap or anything else) that will be responsible for sending out emails on your behalf, getting those emails into the inbox of your prospects/clients is critical. It can be more challenging as you need to build your sender reputation and prove that you’re not a spammer when you first get started.
  • Also, delivering emails to government /education departments can be even trickier, as they typically have stricter filtering rules stopping emails being received by the intended recipient.
  • We needed to make sure we took some extra steps to help set their database up right from the start to boost their email deliverability and engagement.

Campaign Purpose

This email campaign focuses on new subscribers within the customer journey, and specifically addresses the following purposes:

  • To welcome new subscribers through an indoctrination campaign (note an indoctrination campaign is used to welcome and build trust with a new contact on your database).
  • To get new subscribers to confirm their email address.
  • To add extra value to new subscribers and share helpful resources.
Keap Case Study - Indoctrination Campaign Results

The Work

We covered 6 key steps in order to build out the campaign for this business.

  • Step 1 – Campaign Scoping – We worked with Guy to scope out the campaign structure based on what we’ve seen work for clients over the years, plus best practice setups and aligned that with the experience he wanted to create for new subscribers.
  • Step 2 – Campaign Structure – we built the campaign structure, including the goals, sequences, emails, tagging and other elements for the campaign to function
  • Step 3 – Campaign Set Up – We obtained and loaded the email copy provided by Guy and customised the campaign
  • Step 4 – Campaign Publishing – We published and tested the campaign to ensure that it worked.
  • Step 5 – Campaign Launch – we officially launched the campaign which meant in this particular instance we got it live, so new subscribers from other lead magnets/purchases would enter this campaign automatically.
  • Step 6 – Campaign Optimisation – We set up and tracked the results, then we identified ways in which the campaign could be improved to generate further results.

The Tools

  • Keap Max Classic (formerly known as Infusionsoft) is the marketing automation software that is used to deliver this campaign. Specific functionality used in Keap include:
    • Campaign Builder
    • Automation Links
Keap Max Classic

The Setup

Key elements of the set up included:

  • All new subscribers were added automatically into this Indoctrination/Email Confirmation campaign from other email campaigns.
  • All contacts were checked to see if they had already been indoctrinated or not. If they had been already, we wouldn’t resend the welcome emails to them.  If they hadn’t, we would add them to receive those emails.
  • We setup a custom email confirmation link in Keap Max Classic so that we could tailor the email confirmation email message to exactly what Guy wanted to deliver.
  • We setup the structure to enable future improvements of further follow up for email confirmation as well as add other welcome/nurture emails.

Campaign Builder Structure

Here’s the campaign structure we setup to deliver for Guy:

Keap Case Study – Campaign Builder

To start the campaign, a trigger tag is used to add contacts into this campaign from other campaigns particularly lead generation campaigns.  (Note a trigger tag is the same as a normal tag, but we name it different to flag to users that by applying this tag, it will kick off some automation as outlined in our tag strategy.)

Marketing Automation Case Study – Tagging

The system then automatically checks if they have received the welcome emails before or not.  If not, they go into the “Welcome Email” sequence.

Marketing Automation Case Study – Campaign

Here is the structure in the “Welcome Email” sequence, as you can see, we wait 60 minutes as typically contacts will be receiving another email for the lead magnet that they signed up for.  We want to make sure they receive whatever it is that they requested first, then they receive the first email.  Then after 7 days they receive a second email.  The bottom workflow line outlines internal tagging that is happening in the backend of the system.

There are two current emails included in this setup.

  • Email 1 – the purpose of email one is to get the contact to confirm their email address.
  • Email 2 – the purpose of email two is to add value by sharing valuable resources with their blog posts that will be helpful for the target market.
Marketing Automation Case Study – Email Example

Want more detail?  Don’t forget to sign up for the Keap video campaign walk through.

The Results

Since the launch of this campaign in July 2020 the following results have been recorded to date, up until March 2021. 

Keap Case Study – Indoctrination Results

Over 5k contacts were indoctrinated in less than 12 months

Keap Case Study – Email Confirmation

19% conversion rate of new subscribers that confirmed their email address after just 1 email

Keap Case Study – Email Engagement

The business saw growth in the email engaged portion of their list

Paid monthly & annual subscriptions also grew

Keap Dashboard – Indoctrination Results

Overall, this campaign has been critical for Guy to welcome and build rapport with his new subscribers, plus help with email deliverability by getting contacts to confirm their email addresses.

Opportunities For Improvement

As with ALL campaigns, there are still opportunities for this business to generate greater results from this campaign, including but not limited to:

  • Updating the email copy to stress the importance of email confirmation and adding in whitelisting instructions (particularly given increased security within education departments).
  • Add more of Guy’s personal story into the welcome series to add a personal touch
  • Add another reminder for email confirmation if they haven’t confirmed initially after a certain period of time.
  • Spread out the free resources over multi emails to increase email engagement (we have a few clients who implement a “Best Of” welcome series to extend the indoctrination campaign)
Indoctrination Email Campaign

As we say to a lot of clients, version 1 is better than version none

Delighted to see the results that Guy has achieved to date with this campaign.  By making a conscious effort to review your campaigns, get clear on what marketing lessons you can take from them, generate ideas from improvement and take action, Guy, like other business owners will no doubt see even greater success from this campaign.

Working With Guy…

Guy was a pleasure to work with to implement Keap Max Classic in his small business (which was known as Infusionsoft at the time when we set him up). 

We setup this specific Indoctrination campaign as shown in this case study, and we also assisted Guy with the following:

  • Keap E-Commerce Setup – including stripe integration, product setup, order forms setup, promo code setup, subscriptions setup, credit card expiry notifications, order failure notifications, tax invoice setup and more.
  • 5 Campaigns – including a website contact us campaign, 2 x marketing funnel campaigns (moving leads to a sales offer) and a new member/customer sign up campaign.
  • Membership platform integration – so when customers pays, they would automatically be given their login details and restricted access to the gated membership content available through the website.
  • Keap Fundamental Setup – including branded email templates, email signatures, email authentication and other backend settings

This setup of Keap all supported the launch of his new website Learning Through Doing.

We are grateful for Guy giving permission for us to include his campaign in our customer success stories and inspiring other businesses.

Here’s what Guy had to say about working with us…

“Mandy’s ability to grasp the direction I wanted to take my business to setup future growth was exceptional. She added value and insight to my foundation knowledge and was extremely supportive (and patient). Mandy’s expertise was very evident and her attention to detail and ‘customer service’ left me feeling very confident that I had made a good decision to implement Keap Max Classic (formerly Infusionsoft) into my business.”

Guy Constable, Learning Through Doing, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Australia.

About Us

At Streamline For Success, we have the pleasure of working closely with clients to design automation and campaigns to fit their specific needs.  We are an award-winning marketing automation specialist with over 7 year’s experience specifically in Keap.  We pride ourselves on sharing what’s working for other businesses and implementing best practice principles to allow more businesses to achieve results faster.  If you’d like to chat about your specific automation needs, feel free to book a free call.

Click to access this exclusive behind the scenes breakdown of this Keap campaign video walk through in this special presentation.


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Top 11 Automations Successful Memberships Need

Run or looking to start a membership?  Find out the top automations you need to have in place to capture leads, nurture, convert and boost member retention. 

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Top 11 Automations Successful Memberships Need

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